How Often To Water Pothos Plant + Watering Tips

How Often To Water Pothos Plant? + Watering Tips

Pothos rank among the top favorite houseplants for many people. These plants are incredibly adaptable, thriving in typical household settings with minimal effort. Pothos plants are truly low-maintenance. Although plant enthusiasts have cherished them for years, new and exciting varieties are always emerging for collectors to explore. 

Every plant requires its own unique care, and the pothos plant is no exception. One of the primary needs of any plant is proper watering. This article will review the pothos’ watering requirements to help you understand how often to water pothos plants.

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    Importance of Pothos Proper Watering And Root Care

    Watering seems simple, but it’s where many people mistake when caring for houseplants. Over-watering or underwatering are common mistakes.

    Watering is vital for plants as it facilitates several critical functions. It ensures that plant roots effectively take up the moisture they require. Additionally, when the soil is watered, it allows for oxygen exchange, which is essential for root respiration. 

    Watering also acts as a temperature regulator, cooling the plant and its surrounding soil during warmer conditions. Furthermore, when leaves are sprayed with water, it aids in cleansing them from dust, promoting optimal photosynthesis. 

    Since the roots are the main part of the plant directly in contact with the irrigation water, it’s important to understand more about the characteristics of healthy pothos roots. 

    Epipremnum aureum roots

    Characteristics Of Healthy Pothos Roots

    1. Color:Healthy pothos roots are primarily white. However, they can be slightly yellow-brown.
    2. Width Variation:The roots can have different widths. Older roots are typically thicker. When touched or pulled, healthy roots should feel firm and slightly springy.
    3. Distribution in Soil:The roots should be spread out in the potting soil, not clumped tightly in one area.
    4. Potting Soil Mixture:Although some tangling of roots is normal, there should still be a good mix of potting soil interspersed with the roots.

    How Often To Water Pothos Indoors?

    There isn’t a fixed routine for watering pothos plants. Generally, pothos plants prefer being watered once a week or every other week. However, the actual need for watering is determined by factors like soil quality, light exposure, ambient humidity, and the plant’s growth phase.

    pothos and spray bottle

     How To Determine Watering Time

    In general, you can use the simple following methods to understand the plant’s water needs:

    • Finger Test:Insert your finger into the soil up to 2 inches. If it feels dry, water your plant. If it feels moist, then wait for a few days.
    • Chopstick/Skewer Test:Push a chopstick or skewer deep into the soil. Then remove it. If it comes out dry and clean, it’s time to water. But if it comes out with wet soil particles, then wait for a few days.
    • Visual Clues:Observe your pothos for visual signs of over-watering or dehydration.

    How Often To Water Pothos In Winter?

    Pothos will show minimal growth in winter, but this is a natural part of its cycle. As a result, pothos requires less water in winter. The pothos can typically be watered once every other week in the winter. Remember that in winter, overwatering should be avoided at all costs because prolonged wetness might injure the plant. It’s preferable to let the soil dry out between watering sessions. You can lightly water the soil around the pot and check weekly for dryness before re-watering.

    how often to water  Epipremnum aureum plant

    How Often To Water Pothos In Summer?

    Summer is the peak growth time for pothos plants. You can water the plant 2-3 times more frequently than during winter. For instance, you can water the pothos every five days in summer. This is a general guideline; the exact frequency will vary based on conditions.

    Examine the pothos potting mix moisture level twice a week before watering. Due to the summer heat, the plant will take up more water, and the soil will dry faster, so regular checks are crucial.

    In summary, pothos requires more attentive watering in summer due to its active growth and the effects of warm temperatures, while in winter, it enters a dormant state, reducing its need for water and nutrients.

    pothos and gardening tools

    The Effects Of Under-Watering On Pothos Plant

    Your pothos may be lacking water if you notice the following symptoms:

    1. Leaves that are soft, drooping, or shriveled.
    2. Drooping leaves and stems.
    3. Fading to yellow in leaf color.
    4. Leaves that feel brittle to the touch.
    5. Twisted leaves.
    6. Edges of leaves turning dry and brown.

    If these signs are present, assess the soil moisture and consider increasing your watering routine.

    pothos roots

    The Effects Of Over-Watering On Pothos Plant

    Your pothos might be receiving too much water if you observe the following symptoms:

    1. Leaves turning yellow.
    2. Soft and brown spots on the leaves.
    3. Dark spots on the leaves.
    4. Stems are turning black.
    5. Brown spots surrounded by a yellow border (a clear sign of root rot).
    6. Blisters filled with water or edema on leaves.
    7. wilting despite damp soil.
    8. Dropping of leaves.
    9. Mold presence on the soil surface.
    10. The presence of fungus gnats around the plant.

    It’s essential to note that many of these signs might develop slowly but indicate significant plant stress when noticeable. For instance, black leaves or stems suggest the plant has been in overly wet soil for an extended period. Additionally, these symptoms might overlap with other issues, like pests or nutrient deficiencies. Always inspect the soil directly to pinpoint the exact problem.

    pothos near watering can

    Key Points To Consider When Watering A Pothos Plant

    1. Water Quality:Use non-chlorinated or filtered water, as the plant can be sensitive to contaminants.
    2. Water Temperature:Since the pothos plant is a tropical plant and likes warmth, choose room-temperature water.
    3. Watering Technique:Water the soil thoroughly until it exits the bottom drainage hole, ensuring the entire soil profile is moistened.
    4. Container Type:It’s essential to have a drainage hole in your pothos container. If not, it’s challenging to gauge the right moisture level. It’s advisable to grow pothos in hanging baskets or clay pots with one or more drainage holes.
    5. Transplanting:If your current container isn’t ideal, consider transplanting your pothos to a better container that facilitates easier watering.
    6. Assessing Moisture Level:After the water has drained, take a moment to let the soil absorb some moisture. Do not allow water to accumulate on the soil’s surface since this indicates inadequate drainage.
    7. Final Check:After the initial watering, if the soil still appears a little dry, add extra water till it flows out once more, then stop.

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