How Often To Water ZZ Plants (+Best Watering Methods)

How Often To Water ZZ Plants? (+Best Watering Methods)

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, is an easy-to-care-for succulent that can survive without frequent irrigation, in contrast to other plants that require routine watering. Slow-growing ZZ plants prefer direct, bright sunlight. The ability to survive in various lighting settings and their resistance to drought are two advantages of these plants.

To keep ZZ plants healthy, you must know how often to water ZZ plants. The frequency of watering your ZZ plant depends on a variety of factors. In order to decide when and how to water ZZ plants, these factors will be discussed in this article.

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    Zamioculcas Zamiifolia leaves

    Factors Affecting ZZ Plant Watering Schedule

    Although some ZZ plants can withstand droughts, each plant has different water needs based on its growing environment and whether it is grown indoors or outdoors. Light, temperature, humidity, soil type, plant size, and container type can all have an impact on how much water a ZZ plant needs.

    Temperature and Humidity

    The climate in which you are growing your ZZ plant is a significant consideration that will affect how much and how often you should water the ZZ plant.

    If you live in a warm, dry climate, water will evaporate from the soil more quickly. As a result, the plant will lose more water via its leaves. In such conditions, the plant will also grow faster than usual, increasing the amount of water it requires. 

    ZZ plant in the pot

    Potting Soil 

    Your ZZ plant’s watering requirements and the rate at which the potting soil dries up will be greatly influenced by the type of potting soil you employ. 

    It’s vital to choose a well-draining potting mixture so that extra water drains away from the roots after watering your ZZ plant. A mixture of commercial soil mix and perlite is a good soil mixture for ZZ plants as it offers good drainage and aeration while still allowing some water retention.

    When water quickly passes through the pot and begins to drain out of the drainage holes, it is a sign that the potting soil is well-draining. On the other hand, when water sits on top of the potting medium for a long time, it means that the soil drainage is not good. 

    Potting Container

    In glazed ceramic or plastic pots, the potting material will retain water until it is either absorbed by the plant, drains from the drainage holes at the bottom, or evaporates. But, Pots with porous walls, like terracotta pots, enable the free passage of oxygen and water through the pot’s walls.

    If you want to use glazed ceramic or plastic pots, a drainage hole should always be present. When a pot has no drainage holes, it can be challenging to consistently add the correct amount of water needed. You will likely develop root rot since excess water will pool at the bottom of the pot. 

    Generally, unglazed clay pots are the best container choice for ZZ plants as they have porous walls and can dramatically lower the chance of overwatering. 

    ZZ plant near window

    How Often To Water ZZ Plants

    The ZZ plant needs to be able to tolerate extended droughts in its native eastern Africa. That is why it is extremely well adapted to drought conditions, thanks to its thick stems and underground root rhizomes.

    These two sections act as water reservoirs for the ZZ plant. Because of this, these plants are extremely drought-tolerant and can tolerate irregular watering. Therefore, it is okay if you occasionally forget to water the plant. Your Zamioculcas Zamiifolia should be able to survive without any water for up to three weeks. 

    As a rule of thumb, once the soil has dried out fully, you should water ZZ plants—typically once every two weeks, depending on their growing conditions. Instead of watering on a timetable, pay attention to each individual plant. It is best to water your plant less than to overwater it.

    How Often To Water ZZ Plants In Winter

    ZZ plants prefer to let their soil fully dry out in between waterings. You should only water this plant once the soil completely dries throughout the pot since it has a very effective water retention mechanism. You can water your ZZ plant once per month throughout the winter season.

    How Often To Water ZZ Plants In Summer

    The inside environment is often warm in the summer unless you have good air conditioning. Generally speaking, watering your ZZ plant once a week is preferable in the summer. However, checking the soil’s dryness before watering is still recommended. 

    ZZ plant Stems

    ZZ plant stems

    How To Water ZZ Plant Indoors

    As mentioned above, before rewatering ZZ plants, the soil should be completely dry. If the soil is still wet, you may overwater your plant, which could cause it to decay.

    Always keep in mind that a ZZ plant can be killed more easily by overwatering than by underwatering. In addition, saving a ZZ plant that has been underwatered is far simpler than the reverse.

    How To Determine Soil’s Moisture Level

    There are so many simple methods to determine the soil’s moisture level. You can perform any of the actions listed below to test soil moisture: 

    • Check and feel the pot’s bottom carefully. There is no need to irrigate if the soil is still damp.
    • Take a stick, and push it deep into the soil. If you pull up the stick and it comes out clean, it means that the soil is dry, and you need to water the plant.
    • You can test the soil’s moisture using a moisture meter. Just water your plant when the moisture meter indicates it needs watering. The soil is still wet if the scale is between 4 and 7 and dry if it is between 1 and 3.
    • Finger test: To determine if the soil is wet or dry, put more than half of your finger into the soil. If the soil remains on your finger after you remove it, it is a sign of moisture. But if your finger comes out relatively clean, it means that the soil is dry, and it is time to water your ZZ plant.

    top watering the ZZ plant

    There are two ways to water ZZ plants. Select an approach that best suits you [1]:

    Top Watering

    1. Use a watering can to add water to the soil. 
    2. Continue filling the pot with water until the drainage holes begin to overflow.
    3. Never leave your plant to sit in water after irrigating it. if you have a tray underneath the pot, empty it afterward.

    Bottom Watering

    1. Add water to the plant tray and put your plant pot in the tray.
    2. Ensure that the water on the tray is in touch with the soil.
    3. Wait for about 20 minutes
    4. Check the soil to determine whether it has absorbed enough water; if so, remove the extra water from the tray.
    5. Fill the tray with extra water if it is still dry.
    6. Let the excess water sit for 20 more minutes before removing it.

    Zamioculcas Zamiifolia leaves close up

    Note: Bottom watering does not remove salts and other minerals from the soil. So, if you want to try this method, make sure to water the soil from the top as well occasionally.

    ZZ plant in the pot near window

    Symptoms Of Overwatering & Underwatering

    Aside from the soil losing moisture, the plant itself also lets us know when it needs to be watered. To know when to water a ZZ plant, you should watch out for the symptoms of dehydration listed below [2]:

    Underwatering The ZZ Plant

    Dried Tips

    Browned and wilting leaf tips show that there is insufficient moisture. Water the leaves as soon as they seem dry.

    Drooping Leaves

    Since the plant lacks the energy to maintain its structure, the moisture loss leads the leaves to bend downward. You need to rehydrate the soil when you see overturned leaves.

    Shriveled Petioles

    The stems holding the leaves are called petioles. When they seem wrinkled, it indicates that they are no longer getting enough water to maintain their health.

    How often to water ZZ plants

    Overwatering The ZZ Plant

    The following are symptoms of over-watering the plant:

    Yellow Leaves

    Yellowing foliage indicates that the roots were drowned by excess water. This phenomenon is brought on by root rot, which blocks the flow of nutrients to the leaves.

    Unpleasant Smell

    Overwatering can kill roots, which will result in the soil smelling bad. An indication that your plant’s roots are unhealthy is the presence of an unpleasant odor.

    Drooping Plants

    In addition to killing the plant’s roots, excessive dampness can cause the plant’s base or rhizomes to die. When they pass away, the rest of the plant will become unsteady and topple down.

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