amazing Wandering Jew Plant Benefits (Tradescantia Zebrina)

8 Amazing Wandering Jew Plant Benefits (Tradescantia Zebrina)

Wandering Jew (Tradescantia zebrina) is a common houseplant known for its attractive purple- and silver-striped foliage. There are numerous distinct types of this plant, which is enjoyable to grow. Wandering Jew, also known as inch plant, is a low-maintenance houseplant and survives well indoors. 

In addition to being lovely and simple to care for, this plant offers several advantages, including health advantages. This article will review some of the most important Wandering Jew plant benefits.

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     If you are interested in houseplant benefits, you can also read

     <<Rubber Plant Benefits>> and <<ZZ Plant Benefits>> articles.

    inch plant in pot +tradescantia zebrina benefits

    source: Maja Dumat

    About Wandering Jew

    Tradescantia zebrina is a perennial plant that is native to Mexico. It is treated as a houseplant in North America and is frequently cultivated in a hanging pot. In warm climates outside their native habitats, they are considered invasive species (including in parts of the southeastern U.S.). As a result, it is recommended to grow inch plants indoors or limit their outdoor use to containers.

    The inch plant not only has lovely leaves, but it also grows quickly and has trailing stems. The common term “inch plant” comes from the fact that the leaf nodes on the stem should be one inch apart. Tradescantia zebrina can simply be multiplied by cuttings since each segment is capable of forming a new plant [1]. 

    Wandering Jew plant benefits

    Tradescantia zebrina benefits are numerous, making it reasonably beneficial to grow this plant. The following are some of the most significant benefits of wandering Jew plants: 

    wandering jew benefits list


    Wandering Jews are easygoing and low-maintenance houseplants. That is why they are an excellent choice for beginners. They can survive in various conditions as long as they have access to enough light and water.

    Bright but not direct, sunshine is ideal for this houseplant. Your Wandering Jew plants will produce more blossoms if you give them more light. The vibrant foliage will start to deteriorate if they do not receive enough light.

    Wandering jew plants are happy as long as they are not left fully dry or submerged in water for extended periods. The idea is to keep the soil equally hydrated.

    When the soil is dry to at least 1/2 inch deep, you will know it is ready for additional water. Your Wandering Jew can be planted in a typical houseplant potting mix, but they will thrive even more in soil with more organic matter [2].

    Easy propagation

    Inch plants are easy to propagate. By propagating this plant, you can maximize tradescantia zebrina benefits. By taking cuttings from a healthy, mature plant, wandering Jews can be easily rooted in soil or water.

    In order to have an excellent cutting, you should cut the stem Just below a node, which is a tiny, budlike protrusion where a bud or leaf is beginning to grow. During the propagation phase, new roots form at this location [3].

    green wandering jaw plant with flowers

    source: Pinke

    Propagating in Water

    An old-fashioned technique that works well for many plants, especially those with thick stems like wandering Jew, is plant propagation in water. Lukewarm water should be placed in a container, preferably one with a broad top and a narrow bottom. Since leaves immersed in water will rot the cutting, you need to remove them from the lower portion of the stem.

    Put the container pitcher on a sunny windowsill with the cutting submerged in the water. Avoid bright light areas, such as south-facing windows, as they may hinder roots from growing. To keep the water level constant, add more water as necessary. Ensure the leaves stay above the container’s rim and the roots are always submerged.

    Typically, roots take one to four weeks to appear. Plant the cuttings in a container with a light commercial potting soil when the roots are a few inches long. To make a full-sized plant appear, root numerous cuttings and place them in one container.

    Propagating in Soil

    A wandering Jew requires significantly more effort to grow in soil than a cutting does in water. Put moistened potting soil in a container. Plant the cuttings in the potting mixture after removing the leaves from the lower half of the stem. The cuttings can be planted without being dipped in the rooting hormone. However, doing so will accelerate rooting. 

    Cover the pot with a plastic bag. Put the pot in a spot with good, indirect light. Since the plastic will keep the air wet for several weeks, no water is needed. In about a month, keep an eye out for new growth, which shows that the cuttings have rooted. You can now remove the plastic.

    wandering jew plant benefits + blossom

    Aesthetic appeal

    Due to their wonderful appearance, wandering Jew plants are primarily kept in homes and gardens as ornaments. They are perfect for hanging baskets or pots. Their exquisite deep purple, emerald green, and silver stripes provide every room in your house a unique flavor!

    When mature, Wandering Jew plants also begin to bloom. They have stunning blossoms.

    Air purification

    The NASA study identified some of the top plants that are most efficient at removing potentially dangerous pollutants from the air, such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide. This indicates that some houseplants can clean the air by getting rid of impurities that are present indoors.

    One of the Wandering Jew Plant Benefits is improving indoor air quality. The amount of benzene, TCE, toluene, and terpenes in the air can be effectively reduced by this houseplant, according to live magazine.

    wandering jew plant in pot

    source: Pinke

    Mental health

    Indoor plants like Wandering Jew evoke a sense of tranquility from nature and can improve focus and memory. Additionally, having a houseplant at work can enhance cognitive performance and reduce weariness.

    Stress reduction

    According to studies, keeping plants in your house or place of business can help you feel more comfortable, calm, and natural. Therefore, having Wandering Jew plants throughout the house might help you feel less tense and stressed, boosting your productivity.

    wandering jew plant flower

    source: cobalt123

    A nice gift

    Houseplants may not be the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of gifts, but they are the perfect way to make someone smile on any occasion.

    The ideal gift for every special occasion, whether celebrating a holiday, promotion, engagement, or homeownership, might be a houseplant gift.

    One of the best options for gifts is Wandering Jew plant. They come in colorful types, are easy to grow, and are reasonably sized.

    Medicinal benefits

    The therapeutic properties of inch plants are among the most amazing Wandering Jew Plant benefits. Due to their strong antioxidant, antimicrobial, acetylcholinesterase inhibitory, antiarrhythmic, and insecticidal properties, Wandering Jew plants are highly prized in many traditional medical systems [4].

    The inch plant is known as Shui Gui Cao (Water Turtle Grass) in China. Chinese people highly recommend it to those with kidney illness in order to help kidneys function more effectively.

    green wandering jew plant

    source: Forest and Kim Starr

    In Jamaica people use this plant to treat high blood pressure, coughs, and tuberculosis. The plant’s leaves are applied topically to treat swellings, hemorrhoids, and blood in the stools. It is eaten orally to treat kidney infections. The plant is also used to purify the blood.

    In Mexico, a mixture of sweetened decoction leaves of inch pant and lemon juice known as “Matali” is consumed cold as a tonic. In Afro-Cuban Santeria, a leaf decoction is consumed to break a colitis crisis, induce menstruation, and flush gravel out of the kidneys and bladder.

    In Guyana, leaves are brewed into a tea to treat influenza and cleanse the blood. Additionally, the herb is utilized to cure digestive issues. In Malaysia, the Wandering Jew plant’s decoction is suggested as a treatment to enhance kidney function.

    The Wandering Jew plant may also be helpful in the treatment of inflammation, leucorrhea, urinary infections, nephritis, and deadly snake bites [4].

    Note : The Wandering Jew  pant includes calcium oxalate crystals in its leaves and stems, which can be hazardous to cats, dogs, and horses. Even if it does not cause your pet any significant harm, chewing on it might still be uncomfortable. Cats that consume this plant may experience gastrointestinal or skin discomfort. It can result in diarrhea or vomiting if your cat or dog eats any part of the plant, especially the stem.

    If you have any experience regarding this topic , please share your experiences and views in the comments section below.

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    1 thought on “8 Amazing Wandering Jew Plant Benefits (Tradescantia Zebrina)”

    1. I am a certified herbal health professional and I have my degree in the science of criminal justice, and one of my courses was environmental science. I have washed the wondering Jew and placed in on a mason jar filled with olive oil. I also let it sit for two years before using it, but I would say at least two months. Submerging the plant after cleaning it with gloves on in a bowl of lime water (no tap: Fiji water or other any alkaline waters) and towel pat-dry it before you put it in the jar. Feel free to put any other herb of your choice that can be used topically. This recipe is only for topical use only. After a nice bath or shower, using it on your skin can improve wrinkles, dark spots, eczema, and dark under eye bags, you can use this as a parasitic oil for topical use only with the proper diet for great results within 2 months. No breads, grains, or rice’s (grits, too) while using it for parasitic cleansing. Take body submerging baths and put this oil with other essential oils with Epsom salt of your choice two to three times a week. Usually in intervals of the 369 methodologies of days according to my spiritual and alternative methods of cleansing. (Interval days: Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday) Use apple cider vinegar, baking soda, and baking powder in the water as desired. For spiritual uses, use kiwi candles (use white little candles to place in the kiwis after you slice them in half and eat the insides.)
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