The Best Soil For Spider Plants How To Make One (3 Recipes)

The Best Soil For Spider Plants: How To Make One (3 Recipes)

The spider plant, also known as Chlorophytum Comosum, is a well-liked indoor plant that can survive in various environments and requires little maintenance. Even though the plant may grow in a wide range of soils, some are better than others for spider plants.

So, the main question is: “What is the best soil for spider plants?” To answer this question, this article will discuss variables influencing soil mix properties and introduce three best soil mix recipes for spider plants.

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     If you are interested in this topic , you can also read

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    Signs of using the wrong soil mix  

    If your spider plant is not growing well or its leaves are yellowing or withering, it means that you are using the wrong soil mix for your spider plant. In general, a sandy loam soil with good drainage and a lot of organic matter is what spider plants require.

    spider plants

    Source: Ann-Sophie Qvarnström

    Features of good spider plant soil mix 

    Like other houseplants, spider plants require a particular kind of soil for optimum growth. Before selecting the  soil mixture for your Spider plant, it would be helpful to consider factors that affect soil mix properties. 

    You must consider every factor to guarantee that you have prepared a proper soil mix for your Spider plant. These factors are as below: 


    The spider plant requires soil that drains effectively. The soil mix must be able to hold enough water without getting drenched or water-logged.

    spider plant - Chlorophytum Comosum


    Spider plants need nutrient-rich growing to flourish. They are likely to perish if they do not receive adequate nutrients from the soil.

    pH Value

    Spider plants favor a slight acidity in their soil. The best pH range for spider plant soil mix is between 6.0 and 7.5. This pH minimizes the presence of fluoride, which is bad for spider plants. If the spider plant is exposed to fluoride for an extended period of time, its leaves get brown tips.

    You can add Limestone to increase the pH and keep it above 6. You can also use extra peat moss or iron sulfate when the pH level is above 7.5.

    watering spider plant

    Proper Aeration

    Your plant’s health depends heavily on the aeration of the soil. If you want your Spider plant to stay healthy, ensure the soil has enough airflow.

    A densely packed soil is the ideal environment for illnesses like root rot and fungus growth. On the other hand, well-aerated soil helps Healthy bacteria and microorganisms to grow more in the soil. 

    Moisture Retention

    Another critical factor to consider is the soil’s ability to retain moisture. In contrast to succulent soil, which does not retain moisture for very long, normal potting soil does. Choosing a soil mix with medium water retention is essential for spider plants to flourish. 

    Chlorophytum Comosum plant in glass jar

    The best soil for spider plants

    Spider plants are resilient and adaptable plants. They grow in practically any environment. However, supplying suitable growing media is essential for this plant to flourish. 

    The best soil for spider plants is nutrient-rich soil with good drainage and aeration properties. The pH range for such soil mixture should be 6.0 to 7.5. 

    Soil mix recipes for spider plant

    Now that we know the requirements of an appropriate soil mix for spider plants, it is time to introuce the best DIY recipes for spider plants.

    Recipe 1:

    Recipe 2:

    Recipe 3:

    young spider plants in soil

    Pre-made soil mix for spider plants

    Mixing and finding the ideal blend for your spider plant can take time and effort. If you do not like to make your own soil potting mix for the spider plant, you can still use pre-made soil mixtures. 

    From the Repotme website, you can get a ready-to-use bag of the best potting soil for your spider plant. You can also use pre-made African violet soils for your spider plants. African violet soils have the ideal combination of nutrients, pH, and texture. 

    woman holding spider plant and soil

    When to repot spider plant?

    You must repot spider plants after a year or two since they have rapid growth. But how will you know when it is appropriate to repot your spider plant? The following are some visual indicators that spider plants give you when they become pot-bound:

    • slow growth
    • Roots coming out of the drainage hole
    • Yellowing or fading of the foliage
    • The pot begins to enlarge or degrade 

    Repotting your spider plant is necessary as soon as you become aware of any of these signs. However, it would be ideal if you put off repotting them until the spring or first quarter of the summer. Repotting plants in the fall and winter might impact their growth as winter is a dormant month for the plant.

    Additionally, it is advised to remove the old soil from the pot and replace it with fresh soil so that the plants have nutrients to consume.

    best soil for spider plants

    How to Repot your Spider Plants?

    Repotting spider plants is pretty easy. All you need to do is to take the following steps:  

    • Start by carefully removing the spider plant from its original container. 
    • Remove any extra soil from the roots and carefully examine the roots. If you notice any evidence of root damage, you can remove them before repotting.
    • Give your spider plant a thorough rinse before planting it in a new, larger container.
    • Typically, a pot one size larger than the present one is sufficient. Make sure there are enough drainage holes in the pot you’re using.
    • Set the plant at a height that enables you to bury the roots in potting soil.
    • After repotting, water the plant to let the potting soil settle properly.

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